b'KALEB DRIGGERS2x World Champion Header4x The American Rodeo Champion HeaderGT4 NOTHING COMES CLOSE NOTHING COMES CLOSEThe GT4 is a four strand thats easy to handle, with lots of body and a CoreTech core. Lots of body means a larger loop that stays open better than any rope in the arena, for more consistency. The GT4 is also much more durable than any conventional three strand. So, if you want long lasting life and body, youll pick up the GT4.GT4 3303/8 TRUE30XXS, XS, S, MS $49.99GT4 3353/8 TRUE35MS, M, HM, MHGT4S3353/8 LITE35MS, M, HM, MH $52.99BEST SELLERS#LENGTHLAY130XS230S135M235MS335HMphoto: RodeoReadyTriton Triton is the triple threat in team roping. Created with an innovative blend of three uniquebers, the Triton is a four strand rope ideal for any ropers arsenal. Each of the threebers brings its individual element to the rope. The polyber increases the tip size and feel. Therst nylonber gives more body and twist for an open loop and zippy closure. The second nylonber adds forgiveness, consistency and overall balance to the blend. This recipe ensures the Tritons superior longevity and performance as a winning weapon.TEAM ROPES TEAM ROPESTRITON3303/8 TRUE30XXS, XS, S, MS $49.99TRITON3353/8 TRUE35S, MS, M, HM $52.9912 13BEST SELLERSphoto: RodeoReady#LENGTHLAY130XS230S135M235MS335HM CLINT SUMMERS4x NFR Quali er'